Radionuclides in the Marine Environment

Radionuclides in the Marine Environment

Scientific view on the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Accident by 7 oceanographers
著者名 青山 道夫
発行元 筑波大学出版会
発行年月日 2023年05月
判型 B5 257×182
ページ数 370ページ
ISBN 978-4-904074-76-3
Cコード 3044
ジャンル 天文・地学




Executive summary of this book Michio AOYAMA
Chapter 1: Overview of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident and global distribution of artificial radioactivity before 2011
Michio AOYAMA, and Yayoi INOMATA
Chapter 2: Ten-year long-range transport of radiocaesium in the surface layer in the Pacific Ocean
Michio AOYAMA, Yuichiro KUMAMOTO and Yayoi INOMATA
Chapter 3: Radiocaesium in the ocean interior as mode waters in the North Pacific
Hideki KAERIYAMA, Michio AOYAMA and Yuichiro KUMAMOTO
Chapter 4: Transport of radiocaesium from the North Pacific Ocean into the Japan Sea via the Eastern China Sea by an unrecognized shorter transport route
Yayoi INOMATA, Michio AOYAMA and Shigeyoshi OTOSAKA
Chapter 5: Radiocaesium and other radionuclides in the coastal region of Fukushima
Michio AOYAMA, Hideki KAERIYAMA and Daisuke TSUMUNE
Chapter 6: Radiocaesium in the seabed sediments off Fukushima
Shigeyoshi OTOSAKA, Daisuke TSUMUUNE and Michio AOYAMA
Chapter 7: Radio-caesium behaviour in marine organism before and after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Accident
Yutaka TATEDA, Hideki KAERIYAMA and Michio AOYAMA
Chapter 8: Oceanic simulation for the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident
Daisuke TSUMUNE and Michio AOYAMA
