Japanese Architectural Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Work JASS5(2009)英文版

Japanese Architectural Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Work JASS5(2009)英文版

発行元 日本建築学会
発行年月日 2015年02月
判型 B5 257×182
ページ数 171ページ
ISBN 978-4-8189-3202-9
Cコード 3352
NDCコード 525
ジャンル 土木・建築 >  建築 >  都市工学


本書は「建築工事標準仕様書 JASS5 鉄筋コンクリート工事」2009年改定版の本文を英訳し、巻末に鉄筋コンクリート工事に関する日英の用語集を設けることで、読者にとって使いやすい構成としました。


Section1 General
Section2 Performance Requirements of Structures and Members
Section3 Type and Quality of Concrete
Section4 Concrete Materials
Section5 Mix Proportioning
Section6 Order Placement,Production and Acceptance
Section7 Transportation,Placing and Compaction of Concrete
Section8 Curing
Section9 Formwork
Section10 Reinforcement Works
Section11 Quality Control,Inspection and Corrective Measures
Section12 Cold Weather Concreting
Section13 Hot Weather Concreting
Section14 Lightweight Concrete
Section15 Plasticizes Concrete
Section16 High Fluidity Concrete
Section17 High Strength Concrete
Section18 Steel Tube-Filled Concrete
Section19 Prestressed Concrete
Section20 Precast Composite Concrete
Section21 Mass Concrete
Section22 Shielding Concrete
Section23 Watertight Concrete
Section24 Underwater Concrete
Section25 Concrete Exposed to Seawater
Section26 Concrete Subjected to Freezing and Thawing
Section27 Concrete with Ecocement
Section28 Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Section29 Foundation Concrete for Detached Houses
Section30 Plain Concrete
Section31 Special Provisions
