Kindai Management Review vol.8 2020

Kindai Management Review vol.8 2020

著者名 近畿大学経営イノベーション研究所
発行元 丸善プラネット
発行年月日 2020年04月
判型 A4 297×210
ページ数 140ページ
ISBN 978-4-86345-455-2
Cコード 3034
ジャンル 社会科学 >  経営学


学術雑誌「Kindai Management Review」待望の第8巻が刊行されます。


・Maneuvering Knowledge: A Study of U.S. Marine Corps
・Humanizing Management and Innovation
・The Case for Creativity in Higher Education: Preparing Students for Life and Work in the21st Century
・Peer Relationships in the Workplace: A Call to Arms
・An Autopoietic View of the Ba and Its Adaptation: the Dynamics of Acquaintanceship, Knowledge Gaps, and Importance of thConcept in Knowledge Creation
・The Orbital Circular Economy Framework: Emblematic Evidence from the Space Industry
・An Examination of the Kazuo Inamori Management Philosophy
・When Patients Become
・On the Progress of Industrial Revolutions:A Model to Account for the Spread of ArtificialIntelligence Innovations across Industry Book Review
・The Wise Company: How Companies Create Continuous Innovation By Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi

