Grammetrical Templates in the Second Half-Line of Middle English Alliterative Verse

Grammetrical Templates in the Second Half-Line of Middle English Alliterative Verse

著者名 守屋 靖代
発行元 丸善プラネット
発行年月日 2019年02月
判型 A5 210×148
ページ数 256ページ
ISBN 978-4-86345-411-8
Cコード 3082


Chapter One
Repetition, Verbal Art, Performance:
Key Notions on Literary Language and Linguistic Methodology
Chapter Two
Repetition in Middle English Alliterative Verse:
Norms and Deviations
Chapter Three
Alliteration, Four-Beat Readings, and Five-Beat Readings
Chapter Four
Lexical Collocations and Metrical-Syntactic Patterns of the Second Half-Line
Chapter Five
Recurring Collocations in the Second Half-Line According to the Line-Medial Element
Chapter Six
Recurring Phrases Involving the Line-Final Word in The Alliterative Morte Arthure
