Regional Inequality and Industrial Structure in Japan: 1874-2008

Regional Inequality and Industrial Structure in Japan: 1874-2008

原書名 日本における産業構造と地域的発展の不均衡:1874-2008
著者名 Kyoji Fukao
Jean-Pascal Bassino
Tatsuji Makino
Ralph Paprzycki
Tokihiko Settsu
発行元 丸善出版
発行年月日 2015年03月
判型 A5 210×148
ページ数 368ページ
ISBN 978-4-621-08913-2
Cコード 3333
ジャンル 社会科学




Chapter1 Introduction
 1.1 Motivations and major characteristics of this study
 1.2 Regional inequality in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the Kuznets curve
 1.3 Regional convergence and its determinants
 1.4 Structural change and regional convergence
 1.5 Migration and regional convergence
 1.6 Convergence of total factor productivity and capital–labor ratios
 1.7 Personal and regional inequality in Japan since the late 19th century
 1.8 Data limitations in preceding studies on regional inequality in Japan and
     current availability of data and estimates
 1.9 Outline of the remainder of the book
Chapter2 Regional Inequality and Convergence in 1874–2008
 2.1 Introduction
 2.2 Long-term trends in regional inequality
 2.3 Evolution of living standards at the prefecture level
 2.4 Prefectures’relative fortunes and rank stability
 2.5 Japanese regional inequality and convergence in international perspective
 2.6 Conclusion

Chapter3 Industrial Structure, Prefectural Inequality, and Convergence
 3.1 Introduction
 3.2 Long-term trends in Japan’s industrial structure
 3.3 Prefecture-level industrial structures
 3.4 Decomposition of prefectural income inequality
 3.5 Conclusion
Chapter4 Growth, Migration, and Convergence
 4.1 Introduction
 4.2 Regional growth, size of economic activity, and migration
 4.3 Migration as an engine of regional convergence
 4.4 Migration and human capital
 4.5 Migration, demographic change, and regional inequality
 4.6 Conclusion
 APPENDIX:Construction of migration series at the prefecture level
Chapter5 Regional Factor Inputs and Convergence in Japan: A Macro-Level Analysis, 1955–2008
 5.1 Introduction
 5.2 Sources of prefectural differences in labor productivity: Cross-section analysis
 5.3 Growth accounting
 5.4 Economic convergence and the role of migration, capital accumulation, and TFP
 5.5 Conclusion
Chapter6 Industry-Level Factor Inputs and TFP, and Regional Convergence:1970–2008
 6.1 Introduction
 6.2 Decomposition of labor productivity differences
 6.3 The effect of changes in industrial structure on prefectural differences in
factor intensity
 6.4 Industry contributions to the decline in regional differences in labor productivity
 6.5 Conclusion
Chapter7 Conclusion
Appendix1 Agricultural Production, Proto-Industrialization, and Urbanization,1600–1874
 A1.1 Introduction
 A1.2 Outline of the estimation approach
 A1.3 Estimates of regional output in the primary sector
 A1.4 Estimates of output in the secondary and tertiary sectors
 A1.5 Backward estimation for the Tokugawa period
 A1.6 Conclusion
Appendix2 Construction of Prefectural Data for the Pre-World War II Period
 A2.1 Introduction
 A2.2 Basic estimation strategy
 A2.3 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
 A2.4 Mining and manufacturing
 A2.5 Construction and tertiary industry
 A2.6 Prefectural populations and gainfully occupied population by prefecture and industry
 A2.7 Estimation of indices of prefectural price differences and calculation of prefectural
   per capita income adjusted for regional price differences in 1950
 A2.8 Comparison of our new estimates of GPP for 1874, 1890, 1909, 1925,1935, and 1940 with
      earlier estimates of prefectural income or GPP
Appendix3 Construction of Data Used in the Analysis for 1955–1969
 A3.1 Estimation of value added by industry and prefecture
 A3.2 Estimation of the number of employed persons by industry and prefecture
 A3.3 Estimation of labor quality and working hours by prefecture
 A3.4 Estimation of prefecture-level capital stock for all industries
 A3.5 Estimation of the cost of capital by prefecture
 A3.6 Estimation of labor costs by prefecture
Appendix4 Construction of the Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity(R-JIP) Database Used
      in the Analysis for 1970–2008
 A4.1 R-JIP industry classification and estimation of real value added by prefecture and
 A4.2 Estimation of capital stock by prefecture and industry
 A4.3 Estimation of labor input by prefecture and industry

