Taste of Pie: Searching for better Pension Provisions in Developed Countries

Taste of Pie: Searching for better Pension Provisions in Developed Countries

発行元 丸善出版
発行年月日 2003年02月
判型 A5 210×148
ページ数 454ページ
ISBN 978-4-621-07227-1
Cコード 3333
ジャンル 社会科学


≪一橋大学欧文叢書シリーズ≫ 一橋大学経済研究所がほぼ毎年1冊のペースで刊行する、経済分野のホットなテーマを取り上げた好評の英語論文集。2003年2月に下記、第38巻が刊行。第39巻は「世界各国の年金制度」についてまとめる。2004年12月刊行予定。


List of Tables
List of Figures

PartI Country Report
Chapter 1 The Australian Approach to Retirement Income Provision
Hazel Bateman and John Piggott
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Historical Background: The Evolution of Private Mandating of Retirement Provision in Australia
1.3 Current Retirement Income Provision in Australia
1.4 An Assessment of Australian Retirement Income Policy
1.5 Current Problems and How Can They Be Addressed?
1.6 Concluding Comments

Chapter 2 Sustaining Public Pensions in Canada: A Tale of Two Reforms
Ken Battle
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Reform of Elderly Benefits: From Universality to Income-Testing
2.3 Reform of Contributory Public Pensions: Refinancing the Canada Pension Plan
2.4 Conclusion

Chapter 3 A New Chapter in German Pension Policy: The 2001 Pension Reform Based on a Paradigm Shift
Winfried Schmahl
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Structure of Pension Arrangements
3.3 Why Another Pension Reform?
3.4 A Paradigm Shift
3.5 New Rules for Private and Occupational Pensions
3.6 Some Lessons and Inplications
Chapter 4 Italy: The Search for a Sustainable PAYG Pension System
Daniele Franco
4.1 Introduction
4.2 History up to 1992
4.3 The 1992 Reform
4.4 The 1995 Reform
4.5 Supplementary Funds
4.6 Problematic Aspects
4.7 The Role of Forecasts
4.8 Further Reforms
4.9 Conclusion

Chapter 5 Pension Arrangements in the Oldest Country: The Japanese Case
Noriyuki Takayama
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Developments in Japan's Social Security Pension Program
5.3 Outline of Current Japan's Pension Programs
5.4 Demography and Its Impact on Financing Social Security
5.5 Policy Options for the Future
5.6 Concluding Remarks

Chapter 6 Singapore's Central Provident Fund: The Pitfalls of a Single Tier
Mukul Asher and David Newman
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Political Economy of Singapore
6.3 Current Pension Arrangements in Singapore
6.4 An Assessment of CPF
6.5 Prospects for Reform

Chapter 7 Pension Reform in Sweden
Edward Palmer
7.1 Overview of the Swedish Reform
7.2 The Problems Confronting Reformers
7.3 The Transition from the Old to the New System
7.4 Description of the New Pension System
7.5 Final Remarks

Chapter 8 The United Kingdom Pension System: Key Issues
David Blake
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Current System of Pension Provision
8.3 The Reforms since 1980
8.4 The Legal Structure of and Regulatory Framework for Occupational
Pension Schemes
8.5 The Accounting Framework for Occupational Pension Schemes
8.6 The Risks and Returns in Funded Schemes
8.7 The Management of the Pension Fund Assets
8.8 The Investment Performance of Pension Fund Assets
8.9 The Myners Review of Institutional Investment
8.10 Conclusion

Chapter 9 New Trends in US Pensions
Olivia S. Mitchell
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Overview of Pension Design and Pension Features
9.3 Changes in Pension Plans over Time
9.4 Conclusions

Part II Issues on Pension Reform
Chapter 10 Evaluating Fundamental Pension Reform in Japan and the United
Gary Burtless
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Should We Move toward More Advance Funding?
10.3 Should the Pension System Shift to Defined-contribution
Individual Accounts?
10.4 The Outlook for Pension Reform

Chapter 11 The Years of Public Pensions Reform
Warren R. McGillivray
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Background
11.3 Definitions
11.4 Economics and Demography
11.5 Political Risk
11.6 Pattern of Pension Reform
11.7 Notional Defined Contributions
11.8 Pension Reform Issues
11.9 Conclusion

Name index
Subject index

