道路橋示方書 V 耐震設計編(2012年 英語版)

道路橋示方書 V 耐震設計編(2012年 英語版)

発行元 日本道路協会
発行年月日 2016年11月
判型 A4 297×210
ページ数 378ページ
ISBN 978-4-88950-716-4
Cコード 2051
NDCコード 515
ジャンル 土木・建築 >  土木 >  道路・交通工学




Chapter1 General
Chapter2 Basic Principles of Seismic Design
Chapter3 Loads to be Considered in Seismic Design
Chapter4 Design Earthquake Ground Motions
Chapter5 Verification of Seismic Performance
Chapter6 Verification Methods of Seismic Performance
Chapter7 Verification Methods of Seismic Performance Based on Dynamic Verification Method
Chapter8 Effects of Seismically Unstable Ground
Chapter9 Verification of Seismic Performance of Seismically Isolated Bridges
Chapter10 Seismic Horizontal Strength and Allowable Ductility Factor of Reinforced Concrete Piers
Chapter11 Seismic Response and Allowable Value of Steel Columns
Chapter12 Seismic Response and Allowable Values of Pier Foundations
Chapter13 Sesmic Response and Allowable Value of Abutment Foundations on Liquefiable Soil
Chapter14 Evaluation of Seismic Response and Allowable Values of Superstructures,and End Superstructure
Chapter15 verification of Bearing Supports
Chapter16 Unseating Prevention System
