Global, Innovative and Environmental Management

Global, Innovative and Environmental Management

著者名 Tsuneo Sakamoto 編著
Shigeru Shoda 編著
発行元 丸善プラネット
発行年月日 2017年04月
判型 A5 210×148
ページ数 192ページ
ISBN 978-4-86345-320-3
Cコード 3034
NDCコード 277
ジャンル 社会科学 >  経営学




1. Global Management
How Japanese Business Can Recover/Multinational Companies and its characteristics/ Why are Japanese electronic parts makers strong? / The Future of Japanese Manufacturers,/The Effects of Inter-Organizational Collaborative R&D on MNEs’ Innovation Systems
2. Innovative Management
The possibility of new entrants in credit rating agencies/Trustees as Major Shareholders and Their Voting Activities in Japan/ Modularization and the High Return on Equity of Haier/ Is Internal Control Disclosure Associated with Earnings Quality, Firm Characteristics, and Firm Performance?/Intellectual Property Strategies of large Pharmaceutical Companies
3. Environmental Management
The relationship between companies’ climate environmental activities and their stock performance/Trans-Pacific Partnership and Japanese agricultural problems,
